The current net-TV FX hit series Shogun, based on James Clavell’s 1975 novel, has revived interest in William Adams (1564-1620), the first Englishman accepted into Japanese society at the dawn of the 17th century. The pilot-major of a Dutch merchant fleet, he was accepted by Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu as a key advisor and given the title of ‘hatamoto'. That is why he's known as the ‘Blue-eyed Samurai’.

To commemorate the 460th anniversary of his birth, we present an unusual dinner show of words and music centred around letters he wrote describing his fateful voyage from Europe and his life in Japan.
Original music and improvisations on synthesizer and piano will be performed by the creator and composer Suguru Minamide and the pianist Ayaka Yonemoto. Adam’s words will be read in slightly modernized form by the actor, writer and narrator Stuart Varnam-Atkin (FCCJ Saturday Lunch with Shakespeare speaker), who also performed in the memorable Will Adams’ Night orchestrated by Geoffrey Tudor at the FCCJ in April 1983.
This event is supported by the William Adams Club.

*This performance will be in English.

全世界で大ヒット中の真田広之主演ハリウッド版大河ドラマ「SHOGUN 将軍」の主人公「John Blackthorne(Anjin 按針)」のモデルとなった、イギリス人航海士ウィリアム・アダムス(三浦按針)(1564-1620)の人生を、 本人が書き残した手紙を元に朗読と音楽で辿る特別ディナーショー。

役者・ライター・ナレーターのステュウット ヴァーナム-アトキン(FCCJシェイクスピア土曜午餐会ナビゲーター)による朗読(英語)と共に、本企画のクリエイター・総合プロデューサー・作曲家・ピアニストの南出卓による最新オリジナル楽曲を ピアニスト米本彩夏の演奏と共にお届けします。


Date & Time / 日時
Saturday 26th October 2024
open 18:00 / dinner 18:30 / concert 19:30 /finish around 21:00

18:30開場 / 18:30ディナー / 19:30コンサート / 21:00頃終演予定

Venue / 会場
Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan / 日本外国特派員協会
5th Floor, 3-2-3 Marunouchi Nijubashi Building, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo
東京都千代田区丸の内3-2-3 二重橋ビル 5F
Google Map

Access / アクセス
Foreign Correspondents's Club of Japan HP / 日本外国特派員協会HP

Tickets / チケット
FCCJ members & guests: ¥9,900(FCCJ会員とそのゲスト)
Non-memers ¥13,200(一般)
Includes 1st drink, dinner and concert

Booking / ご予約
FCCJ / 日本外国特派員協会
TEL: 03-3211-3161

FCCJ Web site / 日本外国特派員協会ウェブサイト

William Adams 三浦按針
A Voyage Around the Blue-Eyed Samurai in Music and Words
A Brand-New Production by Suguru Minamide & Stuart Varnam-Atkin

Organized by FCCJ Associate Members Liaison Committee & Special Projects Committee
主催:日本外国特派員協会 準会員連絡委員会 & 特別企画委員会

Supported by The William Adams Club (WAC)
協力:ウィリアム・アダムス・クラブ (WAC)

Planned and Produced by Suguru Minamide, Music Inc.
企画製作:Music Inc. 南出卓