
Creator, music producer, pianist, composer, and director of Music Inc. Born in Kobe, Japan, Suguru moved to Cardiff, Wales, when he was 13. After graduating from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, he was involved in various multicultural projects in Wales, including the UK-Japan Festival in 2001. After spending 15 years in Wales, he returned to Japan. As a music producer, he has managed orchestras in India & Kazakhstan, and run various international music festivals, competitions and concerts for foreign artists, including world-renowned violinist Shlomo Mintz. He has also worked with Sir Karl Jenkins, Adieus and LIBELA for their concerts in Japan.

In 2009, to create more awareness of women's equality in Japan, he founded the Bloom Quartet & Ensemble, the first major Japanese professional string orchestra consisting of only young female musicians. This was followed by founding two more orchestras in Kobe and Nagoya, which became the nation's largest female-only string orchestra.

In 2011, he founded the Tohoku Kodomo Orchestra in Koriyama, Fukushima, as part of his post-earthquake Tohoku regeneration project. This pioneer initiative led to many other junior orchestras being founded in Tohoku. He currently produces and runs classical concerts and dinner shows throughout Japan.

In 2023, he performed with Stuart Varnam-Atkin in the FCCJ event A September Soiree as pianist and composer. In 2024, he created a reading drama with his original music themed on Mabinogion, the serie of Welsh folktales from the 11th century, for the St David's Society Japan, of which he is a committee member and Music Director.

クリエイター、音楽プロデューサー、ピアニスト、作曲家。神戸出身。13歳で渡英。英国王立ウェールズ音楽演劇大学ピアノ科卒業。2005年に15年の英国生活を経て拠点をアジアに移し、インド交響楽団の設立や西カザフスタンフィルハーモニー管楽団の楽団長を経て日本に帰国。2009 年に Music Inc.設立、同年に日本最大級の女性だけの弦楽オーケストラとなる Bloom Quartet & Ensembleを東京で結成。2011年東日本大震災をうけ福島県郡山市に復興オーケストラ『東北こどもオーケストラ』を結成その後の復興オーケストラの先駆けとなる。これまでに「神戸市立小機記念美術館マンスリーコンサート」、「JR西日本主催ちょこっと関西歴史たび特別企画神戸旧居留地Premium Classical Concert」、「こうべ文化まちのコンサート」、「兵庫テロワール旅〜JR兵庫 DC特別企画 Terroir de Kobe 《灘の日本酒と音楽の宴》 ディナーショー」、「盛田味の館《日本酒と音楽のテロワール》」など、独創的な企画を数々プロデュース&出演。2021年よりソニー創業者盛田昭夫に多大な影響を受けた方の生の声を集めた映像アーカイブ「Akio MoritaClub」の映像制作とナビゲーターを担当。2023年には日本外国特派員協会主催 A September Shakespeare Soiree に作曲家・ピアニストとして出演。2024年には日本ウェールズ協会主催 St David's Day Receptionでウェールズ幻想物語 Mabinogion をテーマに朗読劇をプロデュースし新曲を発表。本ディナーショーでは自身の最新楽曲を初演する。Music Inc.代表、日本ウェールズ協会委員&音楽監督。
